Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day & Welcome Summer!

Praise the Lord for summers! I realized this winter when we had many snow days that I really love the summertime and being outdoors. It is so nice going outside without several layers of clothes on. I don't think I could live in a place with a colder climate. Of course, the boys don't care what the weather is doing outside hot, cold, rain or snow.  They would live outside if we would let them. They love and need fresh air! Some mornings we are outside by 7 am or sooner, which is nice in the summers. They love to play in dirt! Since we had so much rain this spring, we had many rain puddles. The boys loved putting on their rainboots and splashing around in the puddles. I think I did a extra set of laundry the entire month of May because of all the muddy clothes. Oh well, they were having fun and staying out of double- trouble, so who cares right!?

We had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. Our friends Ben and Christy came out for a cookout. I say cookout, really I went to Germantown Commissionary and picked up some bbq and ribs. They were delicious, as always! Christy is a great cook! She made some delicious sides along a wonderful homemade apple pie and chocolate chip cookies. She made the crust from scratch,  too. I need to take some cooking lessons from her. It was so nice visiting with them and I am so glad they move here from Atlanta. I took some pictures of the boys' swimming in their new pool that Michael got them from Wal-Mart.  It has a SLIDE! The boys LOVE it! It definitely made our afternoon more fun and exciting!

Next post, Parker is 2! I can't believe Parker will be 2 on Friday. He is growing up too fast! He is full of energy and fun! He has blessed our lives in more ways than we can imagine. We love you Parker! Happy early Birthday! I will leave you with a few pictures of Parker..


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