Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day & Welcome Summer!

Praise the Lord for summers! I realized this winter when we had many snow days that I really love the summertime and being outdoors. It is so nice going outside without several layers of clothes on. I don't think I could live in a place with a colder climate. Of course, the boys don't care what the weather is doing outside hot, cold, rain or snow.  They would live outside if we would let them. They love and need fresh air! Some mornings we are outside by 7 am or sooner, which is nice in the summers. They love to play in dirt! Since we had so much rain this spring, we had many rain puddles. The boys loved putting on their rainboots and splashing around in the puddles. I think I did a extra set of laundry the entire month of May because of all the muddy clothes. Oh well, they were having fun and staying out of double- trouble, so who cares right!?

We had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. Our friends Ben and Christy came out for a cookout. I say cookout, really I went to Germantown Commissionary and picked up some bbq and ribs. They were delicious, as always! Christy is a great cook! She made some delicious sides along a wonderful homemade apple pie and chocolate chip cookies. She made the crust from scratch,  too. I need to take some cooking lessons from her. It was so nice visiting with them and I am so glad they move here from Atlanta. I took some pictures of the boys' swimming in their new pool that Michael got them from Wal-Mart.  It has a SLIDE! The boys LOVE it! It definitely made our afternoon more fun and exciting!

Next post, Parker is 2! I can't believe Parker will be 2 on Friday. He is growing up too fast! He is full of energy and fun! He has blessed our lives in more ways than we can imagine. We love you Parker! Happy early Birthday! I will leave you with a few pictures of Parker..

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fun Day at Gtown Baptist

Dawson and Parker had Fun Day at school last week.  Dawson was so excited about eating snowcones and bouncing. Michael and Mimi came to watch them play on all the bouncers. Here are a few pictures-

Greatest two minutes in sports...

Michael and I went to a fun Kentucky Derby party hosted by our Sunday school class.  It was fun dressing up in festive attire for this fabulous event. I have never been to the actual Derby, but one day I really would like to go. I think it would be so fun see the horses, and most of all the fashion, while of course sipping on a mint julep. Maybe one day, I will get to go! Here are some pictures we took before the party.

Sick of Sick Days

Well, last week was a little rough at our house because everyone was SICK, and I mean SICK. Poor Mimi got really sick too from her visit. I felt really bad that she came to visit and then got sick from the boys.
Parker was really sick, and he was starting to worry Michael and me. We took him to the doctor 4 times. Each time they did a blood count, so they keep telling us he had a viral infection. Finally, after the 4th visit they decided to do sinus and chest xrays. We had to go to Baptist Hospital to do the xrays. We had to check in with admissions like we were going to spend the night there or something. It was really starting to freak me out! Finally, the doctors said he had a severe case of  bronchitis along with sinusitis. Then he got pink eye, too. I think it came from the doctors office.  He ran fever for 10 straight days.  I am so thankful he is feeling better. He really scared us to death. Hopefully, we are over sickness for awhile, or at least I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying too.  He is feeling much better, now. Praise the Lord!

We love you Parker, and glad you are feeling better!

Dawson's Spring Program and Mother's Day

We had so much watching Dawson perform in the Preschool Spring Musical on Friday night. He did great! He sang with all his might, literally! We could hear him sing from the church pews.  It was so exciting, his Mimi came up from Mississippi to see him perform. His Gigi and Popaw were there too. It was an exciting family night for us! Here are some photos to prove it!

We had a very special Mother's Day this year. Michael's mom and my mom were here to celebrate.   We were so honored to have them both in-town for a wonderful church service and fabulous lunch at Silver Caboose on the Collierville square. The boys made me beautiful cards and handprints from school. It was a great day! Here are some pictures-

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms! Thanks to our Moms for everything!
We love you very much!

Easter 2011

Since Easter was so late this year, I feel like we were talking about for awhile, but the weather was just wonderful being so late. The boys were very excited about going on several egg hunts. I think we went on 100! We had the most fun at our good friends, the Coles. Dawson was really into finding the, "golden egg." He didn't find one over at the Coles, so of course he was a little upset. So, we decided to have another egg hunt here, he found one with some cash in it. I think it made his day! I wish I had taken a picture to prove it. Oh well, maybe next year! Ha! Here are some pictures from Easter this year. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter! Oh yeah, forgot to tell you something so funny! The Easter bunny came to our house this year and brought Dawson a bike and Parker a hot wheel. Well, the bike was too big for Dawson, so the Easter bunny aka Michael had to go out and get another bike. Dawson didn't understand why the Easter bunny brought him a bike that was too large. He kept saying, "doesn't he know I am not that tall!" It was hilarious, so now we have 2 bikes. The things we do for our children, but we love them!

Dawson's big boy bike..however, he couldn't touch the ground, so the Easter bunny had to go get a new bike.


Dawson's Eggs he made

Easter 2011

Michael and the boys

Parker 22 months

Best picture I could get of them together....it is so hard!
Egg Hunt at Cameron Brown Park
Egg hunt at the Cole's
Egg hunt
Visit with the Easter bunny...Brrrr it was so cold.
Look Mommy, I found an egg.
Gigi and PoPaw with the boys

Look, at this egg, "It is a dinosaur egg, Mommy!"

Parker egg hunting. He would stop and open up each egg.

The Easter bunny came!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I took the boys to the zoo on St. Patrick's Day this year. It was a beautiful day! I thought these pictures were cute!

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