Friday, May 27, 2011

Sick of Sick Days

Well, last week was a little rough at our house because everyone was SICK, and I mean SICK. Poor Mimi got really sick too from her visit. I felt really bad that she came to visit and then got sick from the boys.
Parker was really sick, and he was starting to worry Michael and me. We took him to the doctor 4 times. Each time they did a blood count, so they keep telling us he had a viral infection. Finally, after the 4th visit they decided to do sinus and chest xrays. We had to go to Baptist Hospital to do the xrays. We had to check in with admissions like we were going to spend the night there or something. It was really starting to freak me out! Finally, the doctors said he had a severe case of  bronchitis along with sinusitis. Then he got pink eye, too. I think it came from the doctors office.  He ran fever for 10 straight days.  I am so thankful he is feeling better. He really scared us to death. Hopefully, we are over sickness for awhile, or at least I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying too.  He is feeling much better, now. Praise the Lord!

We love you Parker, and glad you are feeling better!


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